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Diets: a selection of fast foodsWestern Diets Can Kill: Big Food and the Chronic Disease Crisis

Food and diets are rarely out of the public eye or the media. Whether we are overeating red meat or consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar through ubiquitous carbonated drinks or morning pastries, there is a regular and increasing …

Protests after human rights activist killedThe IDF Killing of Turkish/American Pro-Human Rights Activist Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi

The deplorable killing of Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old Turkish-American activist, during a recent protest in the West Bank, has ignited intense …

Did you know?

Saudi Arabia loses bid for seat on the United Nations UN Human Rights Council. The seat went to the Marshall Islands. Saudi Arabia executed 212 people this year: an all-time high.

Notable Quotes

In Gaza, bleeding children are being held by their parents. It’s like in Japan 80 years ago.

Toshiyuki Mimaki, Leader of Nihon Hidankyo, an organisation representing survivors of the US atomic bomb attacks, Nobel Peace Prize 2024.

Israel’s Ambassador to Japan criticized the comparison of Gaza to Japan after World War II as “outrageous and baseless.”


Trump Assassination - Jim Jordan questions Director of the U.S. Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle during a Congressional Oversight Committee hearingTrump Assassination (Un)Erased: Always Blame the Algorithm

The controversy over Google’s autocomplete feature surrounding searches related to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump has reignited allegations of censorship and political bias …

Russia’s Security Presence in Africa: The Post-Wagner Africa Corps

Is the power vacuum created by the death of Wagner’s leader forcing Russia to show its geopolitical hand in Africa? If yes, what might be the modus operandi of Africa …

Exclusive iGlobenews Interview with the Ambassador of Palestine to Austria, Slovenia and Croatia

Ambassador Salah Abdel Shafi gave iGlobenews an exclusive one-hour interview. He discussed the situation in Gaza, the future of Palestine, the ongoing war …

Democracy on Trial in Julian Assange Extradition Battle

Julian Assange gains time to appeal against extradition to the US to face charges of leaking confidential military information which exposed US war crimes. But will this be …

Israel Iran Conflict, Khaled Ghodomi, speaks during a memorial ceremonyNuclear Blackmail Can Escalate the Israel-Iran Conflict

Israel could threaten to use its nuclear weapons if Iran retaliates for the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh while he was in Tehran. The nuclear option would the worst-case scenario for the US, which is trying at all costs …

The New World (Dis)Order

The Ukraine-Russia war and Irael’s war on Gaza is reshaping the global balance of power. No longer can the US remain the world’s hegemon. A new multipolar order is emerging. Russia, China, and possibly other global players …

Can Treaties Eliminate Nuclear Weapons?

The second Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) took place in New York at the end of 2023. The treaty expresses concern about the humanitarian consequences of the use …

Who is Lockbit? Cybercrime Gang Adds Major Bank to List of Victims

Cybercrime gang Lockbit claims responsibility for ransomware attack on the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Since 2019, the group has made a name for itself targeting …

BoeingBoeing Boeing Gone?

Boeing, the US aerospace giant, is going from one public relations disaster to the next. Insiders who dare speak out, do so at great peril to themselves. Boeing’s latest problem is its space program …

Taylor Swift Concert Cancellations in Vienna: The Bottom Line

Swifties descended on Austria’s capital city for Swift’s Vienna concert series in August 2024. After the horrible terror attack in Moscow by Islamic terrorists, the Islamic State …

Caveat Emptor! Profits from Israel’s Unlawful Occupation of Palestinian Lands has allowed seized Palestinian land in the West Bank to be posted for rent on its website. Dutch prosecutors are now considering a complaint against the company’s …

Profits over Principle: Amazon and Google Under Scrutiny for Ties to Israel Military

Amazon shareholders put forward a motion to commission an independent investigation of the company’s ties to the Israeli military amid allegations of Amazon products being …

IAEA Atoms4FoodIAEA Atoms4Food: Safety through Nuclear Technologies

The IAEA/FAO Atoms4Food focuses on improving food safety by utilizing nuclear and isotopic techniques to control contaminants, pathogens and pests in food products. An International Symposium on Food Safety …

China’s PV World Dominance: A PV ‘on Every Garage’

China has successfully positioned itself as the leading producer of technology for renewable energy. It is flooding the world market with its cheap products, leaving American and European producers far …

Trial of the Century: United States v. Google

The DOJ is clamping down on Google’s search engine monopoly. This trial which began in Washington DC in September 2023 has the potential to blow up the search engine industry, similar to the 1984 AT&T …

Josef Penninger on expanding the boundaries of knowledge

Renowned geneticist Professor Josef Penninger offered insights into his research, current startup projects and the new Erich Kandel Institute for Precision Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni) which will startup …

Women Right's Activist - TalibanTaliban Reaping the ‘Rewards’ of Rape

The recent gang-rape of a human rights activist in an Afghan jail, filmed to silence her, underscores the ongoing horrors faced by Afghan women under Taliban rule. Calls for urgent, coordinated global action to address …

Female Genital Mutilation: Cutting for Control

Millions of girls and young women suffer genital mutilation every year, a brutal practice rooted in gender inequality that leaves deep physical and psychological scars …

US Nuclear Weapons and their Dark Legacy on Native American Lands

The box office triumph of Oppenheimer highlights the power of Hollywood to spin the historical narrative. As captivating as the film might be, the movie omitted a grim …

Elon Musk Under Investigation for Violation of Brazilian Court Order

Elon Musk is currently embroiled in a legal battle with the Brazilian supreme court. The billionaire is being cited for refusing to obey the court’s order to ban accounts …

Kennedy 1962Fulbright Austria: Interview with Executive Director Dr. Hermann Agis

Each year students, teachers and researchers travel from Austria to the US and vice versa on a Fulbright scholarship. The Fulbright Program, which has existed for over seven decades, bears the name of its creator …

International Birnstiel Award 2023 at Vienna BioCenter

The Birnstiel Award for Doctoral Studies 2023 was presented at Vienna’s Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in November. The Award celebrates early achievement in molecular biology …

270 Years of Diplomatic Education

Ambassador Emil Brix, Director of the Vienna School of International Studies (DA), gave iGlobenews an exclusive interview to discuss the history, present and future of the academy. The year 2024 marks …

Quality v. Quotas: Challenges to US Legal Education and the Constitution

What is happening to the First Amendment of the US Constitution? Ilya Shapiro, renown conservative constitutional scholar, gave iGlobenews an interview to discuss this issue and the dangers facing …

European FarmersEU Fails Farmers As Protests Continue

With EU parliamentary elections approaching in June 2024, the EU Commission and the EU Parliament have desperately tried to win over farmers’ votes. Farmers are unimpressed by the proposed review of the EU …

Drowning in Plastic

The plastic pollution crisis has reached unprecedented levels: plastic shopping bags, plastic packaging, plastic water bottles, etc. About 80% of all the plastic ever produced remains  in the environment, from Mount Everest to the …

Progress vs. Preservation: Germany’s Rügen LNG Terminal Debacle

The German Federal Government’s recent decision to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal on the picturesque island of Rügen has ignited a heated dispute. The planned construction in Sassnitz-Mukran has raised …

Can A Sinking Island Continue to Swim in Virtual Reality?

In recent years, climate change has become a growing threat to low-lying island nations around the world. Rising sea levels, an increased frequency of extreme weather events, and other impacts of climate change …

A Palestinian man inspects the historical site of Barquq Castle destroyed in the Gaza conflict - IsraelDestruction of Palestinian Identity …

The IDF invasion of Gaza is doing irreparable damage to Palestine’s cultural heritage as countless historic sites are now damaged or destroyed from the bombardment by the IDF. While illegal under international law …

Vienna is the Waltzing Capital of the World

Each year around 450 balls attract 540 000 dance enthusiast and socialites who are keen to experience the spirit of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Johann Strauss known as “The Waltz King” was the superstar …

150th Anniversary of the Vienna World’s Fair: When Vienna was the Center of the World

One of the greatest exhibitions of all time – the Vienna World’s Fair of 1873 – is celebrating its 150th anniversary. The Vienna World’s Fair was a testament to …

The Vienna Boys Choir: A UNESCO World Heritage Celebrates its 525th Anniversary

This year marks the 525th anniversary of one of the world’s top boys’ choirs. The Wiener Sängerknaben have toured the world’s premier concert halls. Their musical …

Dimentia VillageLiving with Dementia in Dignity: The Dutch Hogeweyk Concept

The first “Dementia Village” opened in the Netherlands about 15 years ago. At its heart lies a different paradigm – the creation of neighborhoods, replacing the traditional nursing care institution for residents …

Paris hosts IEA “Clean Cooking in Africa” Summit

The “Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa” with more than 1000 participants, 100 countries, NGOs, private and public organizations, was held on 14 May 2024 at UNESCO in Paris. The goal of the conference …

Catastrophe and Coverup of PFAS

The unique properties of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, commonly known as PFAS, has led to their use in thousands of household products since the 1940s. However, they are not only hazardous …

The Obesity Epidemic: The Costs to Society and the Individual

A recent Harvard study highlighted the true costs to society and the individual of body dissatisfaction and appearance-based discrimination amounting to billions of dollars. Obesity is on the rise …

phygital gamesPhygital Games of the Future in Kazan

The landscape of sports is undergoing a transformative shift, ushering in an era of innovation epitomized by phygital games. This new sport is a fusion of traditional athletic disciplines with elements …

International University Sports Games in China’s Chengdu

This summer Chengdu – China’s fourth largest city – hosted the FISU games. In addition to bringing a young global community of athletes together, the International …

FINA Bans Transgender Athletes from Women’s Elite Swimming Competitions

FINA’s new policy on who can compete in women’s sports will effectively bar transgender athletes such as Lia Thomas and CeCe Telfer from competing against biological women …

Saudia Arabia’s LIV Golf: Sportswashing Decades of Human Rights Violations

The Saudi government is offering incredible sums of money to the world’s best golfers to join the new LIV (54) Golf tour. Is this an attempt to grow the game of golf around the world or an effort to “sportswash” Saudi Arabia’s reputation …

Ibn Khaldoun Statue and the Dome and Minarets of Ibn Khaldun MosqueIbn Khaldun’s Asabiyyah or Social Connectedness is Essential for Modern Societies

The question of what binds human societies has intrigued thinkers and historians for centuries. If humankind is, as often posited, a species motivated by self-interest, how can communities of individuals …

Bruno Kreisky: Austrian Leadership and Diplomacy at its Best

Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky has made his mark on history. He was a builder of bridges and strongly believed in diplomacy. Kreisky was a staunch defender of Austria’s neutrality, which many observers today …

The Nobel Prize: A Man’s World

What do the Austrian nuclear physicist Lise Meitner, the British biochemist Rosalind Elsie Franklin and the British engineer Jocelyn Bell have in common? They are part of a group of women whose scientific achievements …

Karl von Frisch and the Dance of the Bees

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Austrian Karl von Frisch’s 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology for his ground breaking discoveries on bees. Frisch showed …

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