David Bagshaw was born in the UK and graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Bachelors in French and German. He moved to Vienna to do a Masters of Advanced International Studies at the Diplomatic Academy, from where he graduated in July 2020.
He takes a keen interest in UK and European politics.
Combatting Homelessness Using Housing First (May 2022)
German version: Bekämpfung der Obdachlosigkeit durch „Housing First”
Spanish version: Combatiendo el sinhogarismo usando Housing First
Russian version: «Жилье Прежде Всего» для Борьбы с Бедностью
France’s Priorities for its EU Presidency (February 2022)
German Elections: Who Won and Who Lost (October 2021)
Merci and Adieu, Mutti Merkel! (September 2021)
Switzerland-EU Relationship Breaks Down (September 2021)
Latest Coup Adds To Mali’s Instability (June 2021)
Chinese Version: 中国在太空的成功
Sanctions Put EU-China Investment Deal In Jeopardy (April 2021)
Looking Ahead To COP26 (April 2021)
The Perils Of The Vaccine Rollout (Feb. 2021)
COVID-19 And Johnson’s Fall From Grace (Nov. 2020)
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