2024 marks the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Wiener Zentralfriedhof (Vienna Central Cemetery). The Vienna Central Cemetery is one of the largest cemeteries…
A hidden burial chamber has been recently uncovered in Egypt during cleaning operations at the 3 900-year-old Tomb of Djefaihapy. This discovery promises to unveil…
The IDF invasion of Gaza is doing irreparable damage to Palestine’s cultural heritage as countless historic sites are now damaged or destroyed from the bombardment…
To celebrate his 200th birthday, an impressive exhibition reveals the complex mind and life of one of Austrian’s most underrated composers. Showcased are 130 original…
This year marks the 525th anniversary of one of the world’s top boys’ choirs. The Wiener Sängerknaben have toured the world’s premier concert halls. Their…
The UN in Vienna hosted a delightful exhibition of Armenian traditional costumes, artistry and rugs. The pieces on display were copies of historic costumes and…