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David Deegan


David Deegan has over 30 years experience as a consultant in the fields of talent, learning and development at all management levels and in a range of sectors in both the UK and other countries. He is Director of Practice Development at Cranfield University Business School and involved in executive and continuing education.

Enthusiastic and creative he builds website content, writes and appears in video-based marketing collateral. Committed to the promotion of life-long learning he continues to design and deliver bespoke executive education programmes for clients, and provide executive coaching and mentoring. A keen linguist he speaks Spanish, Mandarin and is currently building up his German.

Outside of work he takes part in local amateur-dramatic productions; his resume includes thrillers, comedies and Shakespeare. He took up playing the cello relatively late in life but has reached the level where he plays in amateur orchestras to raise funds for charity.


Johann Strauss II: The 200th Anniversary of Vienna’s Waltz Rock Star (February 2025)
Arabic version: يوهان شتراوس الثاني: الذكرى المئوية الثانية لنجم موسيقى الفالس في فيينا

Panama Canal Politics in the Trump Administration (January 2025)
Arabic version: قناة بنما في عهد ترامب
German version: Panamakanal-Politik unter der Trump-Administration

Alarming Pentagon Report: Suicide is Leading Cause of Death for Active US Soldiers (November 2024)
ِArabic version: تقرير للبنتاغون مثير للقلق: الانتحار هو السبب الرئيسي للوفاة بين الجنود الأميركيين العاملين
Chinese version: 令人震惊的五角大楼报告:自杀是美军现役士兵死亡的头号原因
French version: Rapport alarmant du Pentagone : Le suicide est la première cause de décès des soldats américains en activité
Spanish version: Alarmante informe del Pentágono: El suicidio es la principal causa de muerte entre los soldados estadounidenses en activo

Caveat Emptor! Profits from Israel’s Unlawful Occupation of Palestinian Lands (August 2024)
Arabic version:  احذر يا مشتري!  بوكينج.كوم تستفيد من احتلال إسرائيل غير القانوني للأراضي الفلسطينية
Chinese version: 买者自慎!Booking.com从以色列非法占领巴勒斯坦土地中获利
German version: Caveat Emptor! profitiert von Israels unrechtmäßiger Besetzung palästinensischer Gebiete
Spanish version: ¡Caveat Emptor! se beneficia de la ocupación ilegal israelí de tierras palestinas

Democracy on Trial in Julian Assange Extradition Battle (May 2024)
Arabic version: الديمقراطية تتعرض للاختبار في واقعة تسليم جوليان أسانج
Chinese version: 朱利安·阿桑奇引渡之战中的民主审判
French version: La démocratie au banc des accusés dans la bataille pour l’extradition de Julian Assange

Women in Mexico: The Murdered and The Missing (March 2024)
Spanish version: Las Mujeres en México: Las Asesinadas y las Desaparecidas

Democracy in the Kingdom of Thailand (September 2023)
French version: Démocratie dans le Royaume de Thaïlande
Spanish version: Democracia en el Reino de Tailandia

Catastrophe and Coverup of PFAS (August 2023)
Chinese version: PFAS的灾难与隐瞒
Spanish version: Catástrofe y encubrimiento de los PFAS (Productos Químicos Per- y Polifluoroalquilados)

Big Tech Power Curbed by New UK Landmark Bill (June 2023)

Pentagon Leaks: Careless Clearances and ‘Gaming’ Military Secrets (May 2023)
Spanish version: Filtraciones del Pentágono: Autorizaciones descuidadas y «juego» con secretos militares

Is there a future for the British monarchy? (May 2023)
French version: La monarchie britannique a-t-elle un avenir ?
German version: Hat die britische Monarchie noch Zukunft?
Spanish version: ¿Hay futuro para la monarquía británica?

Who Elected ChatGPT to Represent the Romanians? (April 2023)
Chinese version: 谁选举出 ChatGPT 来代表罗马尼亚人?
Spanish version: ¿Quién eligió a ChatGPT para representar a los rumanos?

Karl von Frisch and the Dance of the Bees (April 2023)
German version: Karl von Frisch und der Tanz der Bienen
Spanish version: Karl von Frisch y la Danza de las Abejas

Brain Drain from Social Media (March 2023)
Russian version: Утечка Мозгов из-за Социальных Сетей
Spanish version: «Fuga de cerebros» de las redes sociales

The Code-Breakers of the Enigma Machine: Fake News at its Finest (January 2023)
Chinese version: 恩尼格玛机的破译者:假新闻的巅峰之作
German version: Die Code-Knacker der Enigma-Maschine: Fake News in ihrer schönsten Form

Audio Articles

Audio Article Democracy in the Kingdom of Thailand Audio Article PFAS Audio Article Pentagon Leaks Enigma Code-Breakers

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