Ambassdor Mag. Manfred Mautner Markhof is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Order of Malta to the Republic of Estonia. Ambassador Mautner Markhof has extensive experience as a manager, executive and board member. He has law degrees from the University of Vienna, Austria and the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Together with his wife, Friederike Princess Hanau Countess Schaumburg, they have three children.
He currently serves on multiple board of directors, including SHV in the Netherlands. He is the CEO of Mautner Markhof Industriebeteiligungs GmbH and legal advisor to Malun AG in Chur. His engagement with the Sovereign Order of Malta goes back over fifty years. He joined their diplomatic service in 2017. He was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Order of Malta to the Republic of Lithuania from 2018 to 2023. Since 2021 he serves as their Ambassador to Estonia.
Sovereign Order of Malta Expanding Baltic States Activities (November 2023)
German version: Der Souveräne Malteserorden weitet seine Aktivitäten in den baltischen Staaten aus
Russian version: Мальтийский Орден Расширяет Деятельность в странах Балтии
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