Bernd Christoph Ströhm is a Country Expert and Research Associate at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) as well as a Doctoral Research Fellow in East European Studies at the University of Vienna. In addition, Ströhm works as advisor and political risk analyst at S&P Global Market Intelligence, with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe. He regularly drafts macroeconomic analysis / policy forecast reports, examines demographic / labour market developments as well as industrial policies in South-Eastern Europe while monitoring government stability and political risk in the Western Balkan region. He also holds interdisciplinary lectures about the Western Balkans at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, covering topics such as EU enlargement and China’s or Russia’s geopolitical / geo-economic influence on the region.
Serbia’s Balancing Act between East and West (January 2024)
French version: L’équilibre de la Serbie entre l’Est et l’Ouest
German version: Serbiens Balanceakt zwischen Ost und West
Russian version: Танец Сербии между Востоком и Западом
Spanish version: Serbia hace equilibrios entre Oriente y Occidente
The EU’s Futile Mediation between Kosovo and Serbia (August 2023)
German version: Die vergebliche Vermittlung der EU zwischen Kosovo und Serbien
Russian version: Тщетное Посредничество ЕС между Косово и Сербией
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