David Calle Garcia is a Colombian industrial engineer who is currently studying for his Master of Advanced International Studies at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. He has studies on gender, the international system and security. Worked for three years with an NGO focused on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Panama, Jordan and Austria, and worked with start-ups and large companies as an Executive Assistant.
El asesinato de Trump (des)borrado: Culpa siempre al algoritmo (Trump Assassination (Un)Erased: Aways Blame the Algorithm)
Níger finaliza la presencia militar estadounidense y acepta fuerzas rusas (Niger Ends US Military Presence and Accepts Russian Forces)
El ejército estadounidense no está preparado para la guerra: nuevo informe del NDS (US Military Unprepared to Fight Major War: New NDS Report)
¡Caveat Emptor! Booking.com se beneficia de la ocupación ilegal israelí de tierras palestinas (Caveat Emptor! Booking.com Profits from Israel’s Unlawful Occupation of Palestinian Lands)
El Triángulo de las Bermudas de la Quinta República Francesa (The Bermuda Triangle of France’s 5th Republic)
El nuevo (des)orden mundial (The New World (Dis)Order)
Protesta por Palestina: Por qué la democracia necesita a la Generación Z (Protesting for Palestine: Why Democracy needs Gen Z)
El nuevo gobierno de Colombia le apuesta a una sociedad más equitativa (Colombia’s New Government for a More Equitable Society)
Boeing de salida? (Boeing Boeing Gone?)
Chantaje nuclear puede agravar el conflicto entre Israel e Irán (Nuclear Blackmail Can Escalate the Israel-Iran Conflict)
Taylor Swift cancela sus conciertos en Viena: Lo esencial (Taylor Swift Concert Cancellations in Vienna: The Bottom Line)