Lu Han has four years of professional experience in communications, working with the United Nations, private sectors, and NGOs. Lu holds a Bachelor of Engineering, a Master of Engineering, and a Master of Advanced International Studies. Lu is deeply interested in international development, international economics, climate change, and energy technologies. She is fluent in English and Chinese, and has working knowledge of French, Russian, and German.
埃及和苏丹拒绝新的《尼罗河流域合作框架项目协议》 (Egypt and Sudan Reject New Nile Cooperation Framework)
欧盟-南方共同市场协议:美梦成真还是新自由主义噩梦? (EU-Mercosur Deal: Dream Come True or Neoliberal Nightmare?)
特朗普政府的巴拿马运河政策 (Panama Canal Politics in the Trump Administration)
美国核武器及其在美洲原住民土地上留下的黑暗遗产 (US Nuclear Weapons and their Dark Legacy on Native American Lands)
土耳其可能同时在北约和金砖国家拥有的独特成员身份 (Turkey’s Potential Unique Membership in both NATO and BRICS)
奥地利的森林管理:野火防治的典范 (Austria’s Forest Management: A Model for Wildfire Prevention and Control)
中国加强对吉布提的控制 (China Tightens its Grip on Djibouti)
中国大陆对台湾的封锁:回应赖总统挑衅性的演讲 (PRC’s Taiwan Blockade: A Response to President Lai’s Provocative Speech)
莫迪与内塔尼亚胡:基于民族国家主义与伊斯兰恐惧症的隐秘联盟 (Modi and Netanyahu: A Quiet Alliance Based on Ethnonationalism and Islamophobia)
俄罗斯如何通过西方制裁应对: “名字有什么重要的?” (Russia Maneuvers through Western Sanctions: “What’s in a Name?”)
联合国报告员弗兰切斯卡·阿尔巴内塞在维也纳表示:以色列在加沙的军事行动是“种族灭绝式的摧毁” (UN Rapporteur Francesca Albanese in Vienna: Israel’s military action in Gaza is “genocidal destruction”)
印度的香料与罪恶 (Spice & Vice in India)
对抗灭绝:美国将长颈鹿列入《濒危物种法》名录 (Fighting Extinction: US Includes Giraffes on List of Endangered Species Act)
“我还没想到任何事情。”:为什么卡玛拉和民主党输掉了2024年美国大选 („There is not a thing that comes to mind“: Why Kamala and the Democrats lost the 2024 US elections)
买者自慎!Booking.com从以色列非法占领巴勒斯坦土地中获利 (Caveat Emptor! Booking.com Profits from Israel’s Unlawful Occupation of Palestinian Lands)
利益高于原则: 亚马逊和谷歌因与以色列军方的关系而受到审查 (Profits over Principle: Amazon and Google Under Scrutiny for Ties to Israel Military)
天基太阳能发电站:天下没有免费的午餐 (Space-Based Solar Farms: No such thing as a free l(a)unch)
塔利班正在收获强奸的“成果” (Taliban Reaping the ‘Rewards’ of Rape)
暗氧的发现:重新思考生命起源 (Dark Oxygen Discovery: The Origin of Life Reconsidered)
阿尔巴尼亚拜克塔什微型国家:远见之举还是转移政治焦点的策略? (Albania’s Bektashi Microstate: Visionary Move or Political Diversion?)
首页» 经济/金融» 中国的银发经济:一股经济驱动力 (China’s Silver Economy: An Economic Driving Force)
印度-中东-欧洲经济走廊能否抗衡中国的“一带一路”倡议? (Can the India-Middle East Economic Corridor Compete with China’s BRI?)
南锥体国家绿色氢气的未来 (The Future of Green Hydrogen in Southern Cone Countries)
PFAS的灾难与隐瞒 (Catastrophe and Coverup of PFAS)
恩尼格玛机的破译者:假新闻的巅峰之作 (The Code-Breakers of the Enigma Machine: Fake News at its Finest)
维也纳博物馆:世界上最宜居城市的新博物馆 (Wien Museum: A New Museum in the World’s Most Liveable City)
印度尼西亚的丁香热和丁香烟的烟草经济学 (Indonesia’s Clove Craze and the Tobacconomics of Kretek)
美国与联合国大会在维持对古巴封锁问题上的分歧 (US vs. UNGA on Maintaining US Cuban Embargo)
谁选举出 ChatGPT 来代表罗马尼亚人? (Who Elected ChatGPT to Represent the Romanians?)
中国-沙特阿拉伯-美国能源安全三角关系 (The China-Saudi Arabia-US Energy Security Triangle)
女性生殖器残割:为了控制而切割 (Female Genital Mutilation: Cutting for Control)
巴黎举办国际能源署(IEA)“非洲清洁烹饪”峰会 (Paris hosts IEA “Clean Cooking in Africa” Summit)
国际原子能机构“原子用于粮食”:通过核技术实现安全 (IAEA Atoms4Food: Safety through Nuclear Technologies)
抵制针对欧洲穆斯林的抹黑运动:以法里德·哈费兹教授为例 (Fighting Smear Campaigns Against Muslims in Europe: The Case of Professor Farid Hafez)
喀山峰会2024: 俄罗斯-伊斯兰世界的合作与利益 (The KazanForum 2024: Russia-Islamic World Cooperation and Benefits)
俄罗斯胜利日:从第二次世界大战到2024年 (Russia’s Victory Day: From WWII to 2024)
2023年诺贝尔物理学奖得主费伦茨·克劳斯:接受iGlobenews的专访 (Physics Nobel Prize 2023 Ferenc Krausz: Interview with iGlobenews)
朱利安·阿桑奇引渡之战中的民主审判 (Democracy on Trial in Julian Assange Extradition Battle)
iGlobenews 对巴勒斯坦驻奥地利、斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚大使的独家专访 (Exclusive iGlobenews Interview with the Ambassador of Palestine to Austria, Slovenia and Croatia)
以色列用致命自主武器和杀手机器人瞄准巴勒斯坦人 (Israel Targets Palestinians With Lethal Autonomous Weapons and Killer Robots)
俄罗斯在非洲的安全部署:后瓦格纳时代的非洲军团 (Russia’s Security Presence in Africa: The Post-Wagner Africa Corps)
专访约瑟夫-彭宁格: 揭秘精准医疗的未来 (Interview with Josef Penninger: Unveiling the Future of Precision Medicine)