MSM has been indoctrinating the public. Europeans and many Americans cannot believe how disastrous Kamala Harris’s loss was. Yet for those not drinking the Kool-Aid, the downfall of Kamala and the Democrat party comes as no surprise. Political failures at the border, the economy and foreign policy. Democrats have lost touch with the American public and have no one to blame but themselves.
Diana Mautner Markhof
22 November 2024
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The Democrat Party is in a state of denial. Not only did their candidate lose every single swing state, the popular vote and underperformed in nearly every state compared to Biden (with no notable exceptions), but also their declared enemy of the state, President-elect Donald J. Trump, won in a landslide. The same old spiel did not work this time and Kamala Harris is not the only, but a main reason for this disastrous result. She was the wrong candidate with the wrong message at the wrong time, which many Democrats are having a very hard time owning up to.
Trump’s landslide victory which gained 312 Electoral College votes, the largest margin since 1988, plus control of the House and Senate, is a clear mandate for change. The American public has made its choice: out with woke, DEI, CRT, endless wars and war expenditures, uncontrolled migration, men in women’s sports, identity politics, and green mandates– and in with MAGA.
The border Czar Kamala, who never went to the border for four years, the candidate who refused to answer questions on policy and made being against Trump her USP, reflect the decline of Democrats. They are out of touch with the American public and reality.
The Biden coup and Harris defeat will finally bring an end to the Pelosi-Obama control of the Democrats. Pelosi has lost much power and Barrack’s reputation has taken a massive hit, which he and Michelle will likely never recover from. They will have to be content with their multi-millions gained from previous political and other activities. Their Machiavellian plot to crown Kamala was not looked on kindly by the public – many Democrats included, who believe that if President Biden had been allowed to remain the candidate, he could have beaten the Republican Trump.
The former party of the working class and minorities has become the party of billionaires and the elite. Kamala Harris lost in every single demographic except the liberal educated coastal elites. She lost union support, Black support, Latino support and women did not turn out to make up for this loss. She was a failed candidate and her party has failed the American people.
The Harris Victory Fund raised USD 1.2 billion this election cycle, according to an FEC filing released on 24 October 2024. Kamala outraised and outspent Trump on all fronts. The disturbing details on what Harris spent this obscene amount of money is raising eyebrows, not only by Republicans.
The Harris campaign is now USD 20 million in debt for overspending. She paid Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Production firm USD 2.5 million for a not widely watched town-hall event. Harris also paid influencers and other “stars” to partner with her campaign. Kamala Harris tore through USD 100 million per week. And what does she have to show for it. Nothing.
Lessons could and should be learned by Democrats if they dare introspect. For one, do not lose touch with your voter base and try to shame and bully them to vote for you. Obama’s and Michelle’s putdown of Black men, accusing them of racism and misogyny did not help Harris. Nor did the American public’s suffering from Biden’s open border politics and illegal migration, inflation and endless spending on foreign wars, all of which was basically ignored by Kamala Harris and her handlers.
Now, Europeans are waking up to a new reality. Namely, it is time to take their defense and security into their own hands. While Biden has allowed Zelensky to launch long-range US missiles deep into Russia and some EU leaders are applauding this, the fallout of this decision could have disastrous consequences. Is Biden, or should one say, his handlers, trying to burden Trump with a full-scale war against Russia? This will not help the Democrats, it will only prove to the American public that Kamala (or Biden 2.0) would have been disastrous for the US.
If Democrats do not seriously introspect on why they lost the election and continue on this path, the US and the world might have a huge price to pay. World peace is more important than party politics and it is something which should not be used as a pawn against a political adversary – even if that adversary is enemy number one – President-elect Donald J. Trump.
Harris‘ desperate attempt to distance herself from her boss, Joe Biden, was as unauthentic as it was unsuccessful. Her now infamous response in „The View“, an ultra pro-liberal talk show, when asked what she would have done differently than Biden– „There is not a thing that comes to mind“–did her in. In fact, there was and is no daylight between her and Biden. A woman running on change after being in office for 3.5 years did not seem authentic to Americans, who saw she had nearly four years to make changes and did nothing. This is why “Nothing comes to mind”.